Misconceptions can put off many people who have never tried online learning. They may believe that online learning doesn’t come with the same guidance as you would expect from an ‘on-campus’ degree. However, this isn’t always the case. Many reputable universities that deliver online learning have an excellent support structure in place for their students. […]
Even after half a century of Indian Independence, the fate of education, educators, and students has hardly improved. The apathy of the power, including a large section of society, has not changed regarding human resource development and education. Even now, there is more than four crore educated unemployed youths in India. India boasts of being […]
By organizations with attributions in the educational field (UNESCO, Youth International Authorities, and others). The so-called “demographic winter” phenomenon, which reveals the dramatic consequences of the “modern” life, marked by familial and moral decline, by miscarriage, vulgarization, and the homosexuality “normalization,” by the poisoning influence of the majority of mass media and the “Hollywood culture” […]
Introduction: Education can act as a powerful tool for reducing poverty and unemployment and achieving sustained human development. However, when we compared our country’s education with other developed/developing countries, the education in our country is not suitable for the current situation/practical life. All over the world, governments are strictly following the procedure of generating libraries […]
India’s US$40b education market is experiencing a surge in investment. Capital, both local and international, and innovative legal structures are changing the face of this once-staid sector. The liberalization of India’s industrial policy in 1991 was the catalyst for a wave of investment in IT and infrastructure projects. Rapid economic growth followed, sparking a surge […]
Inquiries into furthering my educational aspirations were made to various colleges within my immediate environmental area. Several of the schools contacted required placement exams that I did not challenge, as I am adept and capable of dealing with college examinations. The thing that got to me was the disparaging remarks from some college recruiters regarding […]