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2 tricks to make iOS Control Center less annoying


2 tricks to make iOS Control Center less annoying


Apple launched Control Center in 2013 as part of iOS 7. It gives iPhone and iPad customers quick admission to settings for aircraft mode, Wifi, Bluetooth, display screen brightness, among different things. But once in a while, errant swipes inner apps and video games can release Control Center by accident — which can be demanding. If you go away your iPhone mendacity around pretty tons anybody consisting of children can get entry to Control Center out of your lock screen — which can be even extra disturbing. But these annoyances are without difficulty remedied with a few brief adjustments. First, go to Settings > Control Center. There you have got options: “Access on Lock Screen” and “Access Within Apps.”

Lock display screen

If you want to gain access to Control Center out of your lock display screen, leave “Access on Lock Screen” became on. But if you want to save a person from gaining access to it out of your iPhone/iPad’s lock display screen, turn this off. For example, turning off lock display screen access will save your children from knowingly or unknowingly turning at the orientation lock or putting your iPhone/iPad into aircraft mode, or putting a random alarm.

Within apps

If you hate having Control Center accidentally pop up while gambling a video game or using apps, you may turn off “Access Within Apps.” The upside to that is that you may not see that black arrow poking up from the bottom of the display screen. The drawback is that this setting applies to all apps that mean that you may handiest have to get the right to enter to Control Center from your own home display or lock display screen (except you disabled it). Also, while it is clean to display text-simplest RTF on OSX and iOS – each NSTextView and UITextView will achieve this – if there are images embedded in the RTF, both of the textual content visitors will forget about the pix in the formatted text.

While changing one of our applications to run on the OSX platform, we had issues showing embedded pictures inside the database’s memo fields. This is because the software program was originally written for Windows, which embeds pics without delay in RTF statistics using a percent keyword accompanied by diverse key phrases indicating the size of the picture, the dimensions of its goal rectangle on the record, and the vertical and horizontal scale. More facts on those may be observed at Microsoft’s MSDN website online.

For example one of the images embedded in an RTF facts block reads;

This decodes as;


WMF 8-bit document

Picture Width = 4286

Picture Height = 2048

Target Width= 2430

Target Height = 1365

The facts that follow the RTF header is ASCII Hex – this is every byte written as 2 ASCII characters in the variety 0 -> F – and word statistics, in which it exists, is little-endian – the LSB (Least Significant Byte) is first, followed with the aid of the MSB (Most Significant Byte).


Looking at the first few bytes of the image records gives;

This is part of the picture header and a short search of the Internet-famous how to decode this;

The header is eighteen bytes in the period and is dependent as follows:

typedef struct _WindowsMetaHeader

WORD HeaderSize; /* Size of header in WORDS (continually nine) */

WORD Version; /* Version of Windows used */

DWORD FileSize; /* Total size of the information in WORDs */

WORD NumOfObjects; /* Number of gadgets in the statistics */

DWORD MaxRecordSize; /* The size of largest report in WORDs */

WORD NoParameters; /* Not Used (always 0) */


FileType carries a cost that shows the vicinity of the metafile information. A price of one indicates that the metafile is stored in reminiscence, even as a 2 indicates that it is saved on disk. Version shops the version quantity of Microsoft Windows that created the metafile. This value continually studies in hexadecimal format. For example, in a metafile created using Windows three. Zero, this object could have the cost 300h.

FileSize specifies the total length of the metafile in 16-bit WORDs. NumOfObjects specifies the number of items that might be within the metafile. MaxRecordSize specifies the size of the biggest record inside the metafile in WORDs. NumOfParams isn’t used and is set to a price of zero. So we have evidence that the photograph facts embedded inside the RTF records have been stored in WMF format. This, lamentably, isn’t a local Mac layout, so it would require a few kinds of conversion to display the picture. The subsequent aspect we need to discover is whether the image facts inside the embedded WMF records are a vector or bitmap photo.

The WMF format is largely a listing of commands for your computer’s snapshots card, telling it a way to draw the photograph. In our case, we may be almost positive that the image facts are a bitmap as this is how our software saves embedded images in RTF memo fields. This is something we can take a look at with the aid of looking at the data information after the header;

Not simplest do I actually have a yarn stash, but I have stash trash or trash. Bear with me as I resolve this phenomenon. Slash is my term for those little bits of yarn that don’t pretty make it to the trash. Invariably, as I entire a crochet venture, I actually have leftovers. These small, typically acrylic balls and extraneous tidbits manipulate to build up through no fault of their own.

I reach for a clean-sided, zippered field (previously the home of recent sheets) to imprison them. When the yarn “prison” receives complete, I make a striped hat with complementary hues. Sure, it might be the treacherous yarn that rips up my palms or is not possible to paintings with. You know the kind. You exit and purchase something your idea looked lovely simplest to turn on you and emerge as your worst nightmare. But, the frugal person that you are, you can not throw it away. You stick it in a trash bucket and desire that a few days after you’ve got forgotten how merciless that yarn as soon as was, you may drag it out once more and give it a 2nd chance.

I launch a number of those rejects from their overcrowded, zipped up the prison, and from them create hatbands and ornamental flowers, edgings, and pom-poms. These colorful lollygagging bits of fluff now tempt me in diverse ways, this is, as a possibility to spruce up my hats and different tasks. Instead of pooh-poohing small bits of yarn that I see as now not being worthy of my time, I actively seek them out within the stays and used trash buckets of others. If I do not use all of them up, lower back they cross interior their clean lockup. I am always searching for new creations and unable to relinquish the riffraff; I battle to finish off my stash and be free of its depraved, wicked recidivism.

Calvin M. Barker

Typical tv scholar. Problem solver. Writer. Extreme bacon fan. Twitter maven. Music evangelist. Spent a year consulting about salsa in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Spoke at an international conference about lecturing about junk food in New York, NY. Earned praise for promoting robotic shrimp in Phoenix, AZ. Spent 2002-2007 working on catfish in Naples, FL. Spent several months developing yogurt in Orlando, FL. Spent high school summers managing dandruff in Africa.
