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Industrial pumps form a crucial part of every industrial operation. However, they are prone to breakage or wear with time. When a repair isn’t feasible, you can only replace the pump. New industrial pumps, whether it is for pumping treated water, wastewater, or any industrial water doesn’t come cheap. That is why you should do your due diligence beforehand to get the right one for your industrial operation.

Learn about the most important questions to ask when shopping for the Gorman-Rupp pumps.


What do you want to pump?

One key consideration to make when replacing an industrial pump is the kind of fluid you intend to pump. For instance, a pump that pumps cold water will differ significantly from hot oil. Consider the viscosity of the fluids and if there are solid elements in it, for example, in wastewater, before making your decision.

Note that some fluids could break down the nature of the pump if you do not select the right one for the job. Also, some fluids have less viscosity when agitated. So consider the heart of the liquid you want to pump before selecting a pump.

What is the size of the pump being replaced?

When looking for an industrial pump, the size of the pump to be replaced is a good place to start. However, it would be best if you considered some things. Was the previous pump size adequate? Was it struggling to keep up with the fluid flow? Was there enough speed and pressure? It is wise to try and examine the weaknesses of the previous pump so that you address them. that helps you choose the right features when selecting the new pump.

What is the amount of fluid you are pumping?

The amount of fluid to be pumped plays a key role because it determines how much physical space the new pump needs. Fluid flow is measured in cubic meters per hour in most industrial applications.

How often will the pump operate?

Remember that a continuously operating pump needs to be of a more robust material than one that occasionally works. You don’t want to put your pump in a situation where it is running, but there are no fluids to pump, which easily damages the pump’s motor. To evaluate how often the pump will be operating before making your buying decision.

What will be the temperature of the fluid being pumped?

If you intend to pump fluid at a high temperature, you must carefully choose the right pump. If the fluid is close to a boiling point, any slight increase in pressure or temperature can transform it into gas form, which can damage the pump quickly if not addressed.

Where will you install the pump?

The location of the pump also matters a lot. For instance, an industrial pump in a climate-controlled floor will differ from one that runs in freezing temperatures or extreme heat. Also, some environments contain some explosive gasses that you need to account for when choosing a pump, and that is where a heavy-duty industrial pump comes in handy.

Calvin M. Barker

Typical tv scholar. Problem solver. Writer. Extreme bacon fan. Twitter maven. Music evangelist. Spent a year consulting about salsa in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Spoke at an international conference about lecturing about junk food in New York, NY. Earned praise for promoting robotic shrimp in Phoenix, AZ. Spent 2002-2007 working on catfish in Naples, FL. Spent several months developing yogurt in Orlando, FL. Spent high school summers managing dandruff in Africa.
